The German E-Government Act provides, among others, the principles for electronic file management and “substitutive scanning” by federal authorities. Over the next few years, the affected authorities must develop introductory strategies and create the organizational conditions for implementing uniformly electronic administrative processes. In most cases these will be implemented through the introduction of suitable standard products. There are specific requirements that must be considered when making a selection:
The electronic file (e-file) capability must be complete according to the requirements for constitutionally compliant file keeping and the necessary file control function.
We provide the following services to support public authorities in introducing e-file capability and suitable document management systems (DMS) that meet these requirements:
- Analysis of existing filing plans as the basis for structuring the e-file system
- Analysis and, where appropriate, optimization of administrative processes
- Planning the introduction process, including training and assisting employees during the transformation process
- Development of methods for scanning documents that preserve their evidentiary value
- Development of plans for data protection and legally compliant deletion and archiving
- Development of IT security and authorization concepts
- Development of operating plans to achieve high levels of availability and performance
- Documentation of all functional requirements as a basis for customizing the deployed product
Get in touch
Werner Achtert
Head of Public Sector
[icon phone] +49 69 580045 1222
[icon envelope-o]